
Credential Course: Mobile and Consumer Electronics Applications


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Full course description

Please note: Enrollment in this course is currently limited to residents of New York State.

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About this course:

This is the sixth course in the Battery Technician Program.

In this course, you will explore the usage and applications of batteries in the mobility and consumer electronics sectors. You will learn about the current trends, technologies, and applications for batteries powering battery electric vehicles such as electric cars; the charging infrastructure to make this all possible; and the usage and efficiency of battery-powered consumer electronics.

*This course is available at no cost to participants for a limited time due to EDA grant funding.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe the current worldwide electric vehicle market, including the price and range development, major players in the EV battery market, and the current evolution of EV manufacturing.
  • Compare the drive train of an internal combustion engine with a battery electric vehicle.
  • Describe the difference between a hybrid electric vehicle and a plug-in hybrid vehicle.
  • Estimate the charging capacity of different types of electric vehicle chargers.
  • Identify different types of EV charging, and observe the growth trends of European charging infrastructure.
  • Describe the application of battery storage in the mobility sector.
  • Recognize the role of battery storage for mobility in the transport industry.
  • Identify the main technical requirement of batteries in small-form mobility applications.
  • Recall the main batteries used in consumer electronics and their characteristics.
  • Identify appropriate battery types for consumer electronics based on technical properties
  • Recognize how to verify capacity and energy content.
  • Examine how to measure the capacity and energy efficiency.

Lessons in this course: 

  1. Battery for EVs - Price Development and Trends of Use

  2. Electrical Drives in Transportation - Overview of Technologies

  3. Charging Infrastructure

  4. Battery Storage Application in Mobility

  5. Battery Powered Consumer Electronics

  6. Application - Energy Efficiency of a USB Power Bank

Course format:

This online learning experience provides you with interactive content lessons, which include virtual instructor-led video lectures, a downloadable learning guide, non-graded practice questions and a graded final assessment to test your understanding of the material covered in this course.

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